Meetings & Workshops
Weekly industry meetings are held Wednesdays from 11:45 am - 1:00 PM and 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm EST. Details for our Spring 2023 schedule will be out shortly!
Spring 2023 Industry Meeting Talk Schedule
ASME's weekly meetings provide an opportunity for students to learn about processes used by various companies through Tech Talk presentations and activities. They are a great opportunity to network and learn about companies' expectations for future co-ops. For more information, sign up for our newsletter on our Contact page.
Spring 2023 Workshop Schedule
We are dedicated to providing resources for students to expand upon their skills and share their knowledge with other students. In collaboration with other engineering organizations, we have implemented Tuesday Night Workshops to teach both technical and non-technical skills that will help students grow and succeed in their field of study. Refer to the schedule for more information and stay updated with our newsletter for future events.
Special Events
Check out some of the awesome events we're holding below!
ME Town Hall
Come meet with the Mechanical Engineering Faculty and Advisors for updates on whats new in the college of engineering, and the opportunity to voice your concerns and ideas!
MIE Co-op Mixer
Hop between various breakout rooms on Teams (Aerospace, Automotive, Biomedical, Consumer Products, Defense, Energy, Manufacturing, Robotics) and talk to NEU students and faculty with co-op and full time experience in the industry!
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